

plaza business centre canopy in Frankfurt


The example of the canopy for the
Plaza Business Centre in
Frankfurt being planned at the moment, makes these relations clear: The canopy structural geometry is put together from individual elements forming a Voronoi.
The early structural optimization makes that inevitable, thus the minimum material consumption (steel beams) and also cost reduction can be achieved. The costs of digital
manufacturing, is not being affected by the amount of the individual elements. The size of the individual modules is being defined by transportation and zinc bath dimensioning norms. The individual static calculation of every single foil cushion,which is ‘supposed to cover parts of the upper named structure, raises the amount of the expected planning effort and so the construction cost. That could have been avoided by either applying a calculation automatisation algorithm, or simplifying the initial geometry, by abandoning the optimum geometry in the cushion covered area. In that case the last option was chosen. Planning
automasation becomes a parameter for modular definition.

MODULAR STRUCTUES in design architecture  P49 P50 より抜粋





Jason Davies


1115191 笠松咲樹

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